
To music teachers who want to launch courses, private lessons, memberships or sponsored income streams online:

“Enroll in this course and you’ll have a complete online business launch plan in your hands – one that’s actually good!”

Any music teacher can make a first step towards starting an online music teaching business using the information inside the Play, Click, Succeed online course because you get all the details you need to make informed decisions and CRAFT A SMART PLAN TO START YOUR ONLINE MUSIC TEACHING VENTURE!

From: Bogdan Radović, musician, recreational tennis player & online entrepreneur.

Got this question the other day on a FB post, so I guess it’s a good place to start:

There are so many random ai generated useless courses… How legit is this one? All it says it is made by a guy named Bogdan. Bogdan who?

Fair question. My name is Bogdan Radović, I’ve been teaching online since 2007. (later on I moved into online entrepreneurship and managing online businesses). Proof that I exist: GMC instructor profile ; My Bass Lessons Website ; Udemy Profile ; Google Search on myself.

Video from Bogdan for You:


BTW – I don’t think AI is a threat to our craft as music teachers, at least not until it grows fingers 🙂

Have you been thinking about creating an income online with your skills as a music teacher?

Or, you maybe did some online lessons during Covid, with little success in getting new students and making it work as an income stream?

If you feel excitement when day-dreaming about running your own online business (and seek all the flexibility and freedom perks that come with it!), but you feel stuck waiting for the right moment and never really take actionthen you need to do something about it or you’ll just feel regretful not giving it a try!


You’ll never launch a business if you don’t have a plan!

This course is for music teachers who would like to sell online courses, membership programs, 1-1 services related to their music expertise, workshops, digital downloads, sponsored products…

It will help you get on the fast lane towards taking action.

If you feel like you’re ‘not ready/techy/educated’ yet, for this digital online entrepreneurship, then Play, Click, Succeed online course will help you because inside you get the specific and actionable information you need right now to make the right decisions and craft a solid plan for starting an online music teaching business.

And you don’t need to spend years reading books about online marketing, running online business, entrepenourship, attend seminars, workshops and webinars…

If your plan currently looks like this:

(You post random ads on socials, or even have a simple website with your presentation on it, hoping to reach more students) then…

You’re missing out on what could be an incredible opportunity.
…and it’s a shame really not to give a try!

You don’t need to spend thousands of hours educating yourself (and tons of $$$ while at it), to become worthy of starting an online business.

You can just take a shortcut and follow the blueprint, based on my unique experience in the niche of online music instructional websites of more than 12+ years: it’s all packed inside a short course that will help you put together a crafty business plan, so you can get moving forward to realizing your vision.

This is not yet another ‘start an online business in 6 weeks course’.

That’s because this course is made specifically for music teachers looking to start an online business. The course is made by someone who is a musician, but also an online entrepreneur. My experience is unique, and I’ve packed what I know into this course to make it easy for you to make a good plan, and increase your chances of success when starting an online music teaching business.

Having a plan not only boosts your motivation to take action, but also:

Enables you to focus on the things that matter, and helps you avoid waisting any time.

✅ Gives you a clear direction to follow, so that you can launch your business faster!

✅ A solid, startup plan, increases your chances of success – no, you can’t just improvise this!

✅ Well crafted plan helps discover what kind if business you (really) want to start.

✅ Good plan will help you uncover who your ideal students are, and who are the customers you want to repel!

Saves you from feeling shame when time comes to charge money for your lessons / services.


Hi, my name is Bogdan.

I’ve been involved with teaching music online & helping business owners run online music instructional websites since 2007.

I’ve published courses, built websites, ran day-to-day ops for established websites, did it when things are good (but also when things crumble!).

Every possible marketing or business strategy, tech situation that music instructional websites go through during launch and growing – I’ve done it.

I’ve been there, breaking my back on an uncomfortable chair all day, when business owners made mistakes, when they were stressed out and lost….

When they took on more than they could handle….

It was worth it, as I’ve also seen it all come together and witnessed truly inspiring success stories, and been involved in achievements I’m truly proud of!

So, I’m here to, as Anothny Kiddis says in the song, to Give it Away.

I’ve compressed what I know, in this business planner course, to make it simple for you to make informed decisions, so you can simply create a plan for launching your online business as easy as following instructions for assembling an Ikea dresser.

I’m sure that if you invest time to study the lessons and if you follow the assignments, that you can put together a solid plan to start your own online business, and use your skills as a music teacher to your advantage in a more leveraged way – ultimately becoming a digital entrepenour.

Proof that I exist: GMC instructor profile ; My Bass Lessons Website ; Udemy Profile ; Google Search on myself.

Bogdan R.


Play, Click, Succeed.

Results at the end of the course: complete businesses plan in your hands, clarity on what kind of online music teaching venture you’d like to launch, who your customers are, which business model you’ll use and how are you going to make money.

In short: inside this course you’ll find super-focused and short lessons with lots of action sheets to print out and fill in.

No philosophy, just distilled information you need before you can make proper decisions.

Heck – I didn’t even record a single video (at this point) for the course – lessons are in text format with audio transcripts you can listen on the go. This way you can go through the course effortlessly, download assignment sheets and fill in your answers.

When you complete the course, you’ll have everything written down on paper, and as a result of that – have clarity on what kind of business you’d like to start.

You’ll also know who your ideal students are, and how you’re going to make money online.

Finally, you’ll have a crafty startup business plan in your hands, one that feels doable – so that you can work on the things you detail inside, to make it a reality!

Course includes 5 modules where I guide you step-by-step through the planning process and these are the quick-wins you’ll find inside:

Here’s the breakdown of the course by each module:

Module #1: Discover what’s possible

There is no such thing as one-business-model-fits-all, but some models are definitely better choice than others.

I’ll help you navigate the maze and uncover the unicorn business model that works just right for YOU!

Module #2: The devil is in the details

In this module you’ll learn something I bet you never gave any thoughts before, yet what’s instrumental and can make or break your chances of finding success in online business.

Hint: the answer is inside you, you just got to realize it.

Module #3: Attract Students Who Love Your Music Ideas

This module will teach you what’s needed to run a successful online music instruction business.

It’s not the courses, it’s not the technology or features.

You’ll learn how to create and use music student profile in your business to attract the right kind of customers.

Module #4: Profit Goals Setter

No more being shy and uncomfortable talking about money.

How about knowing exactly what to charge for things you sell online?

Lessons in this module will help you set a smart pricing strategy that helps you move closer to your financial goals.

Module #5: What, How and When

Lessons and action items in this module help you create a final version of a startup plan for your future online music teaching business.

This is where it all comes together!

This is also where you commit to creating a different narrative for yourself, one that will make you proud (when you achieve it).

What happens when you complete this course?

You’ll have a printed out, filled with detailed information and goals, comprehensive plan for starting an online music business venture.

Basically, if you though that starting an online music lessons business goes like this:

“I’m gonna make a website and sell 1-on-1 private lessons and charge via PayPal”

….then you’re going to be surprised what it actually takes to succeed online and how deep the planning can go!

You simply need to go into details, and think in-depth about things I disclose in this course, if you want to stand a chance of succeeding online.

You need a damn real good plan, or you’ll probably fail, loose momentum and get discouraged.

Success is not a rule, it’s an exception.

So, this course is a sort of shortcut that helps you move forward quickly from a standstill, but in the end – you’ll be the one taking it seriously and making it happen (or not!).

What I’m certain is: if you follow this course, put in the time and best effort to go through the lessons, think things through, and take (educated) decisions …

Then you’ll have a better chance than others.

If you’ve been procrastinating and never taking any real action towards achiving this online thing for yourself…

Then, chances are if you don’t enroll in this course, that you’ll probably keep going on the same path not making any progress.

To change things for the better, you need to take a different path really.

So if the time is right, scroll down, click on the button, and fill in your information to get instant access to this practical planner course that will help you make a first step towards starting an online music instructional business.

Enroll in Play, Click Succeed Today!

The time has come to make a decision if you want to change things and follow through on your ideas or keep ‘thinking about it’ and not making any real progress.

If you want to get unstuck and see where this online thing could take you, click the button below to fill out the course registration form.👇

Once you type in the billing information, click on the purchase button to be taken to the PayPal website to complete a secure payment. Then, you’ll be sent course access details via email, and you can start working on your business plan right away!

Launch price: $47 JUST $19 USD!

🔥 Limited number of spots available at this price🔥

Includes lifetime access to the course materials.

Click here to buy the course for just $19 USD!

Secure payment is made through PayPal.

PayPal Acceptance Mark

Here’s what a teacher says about the course:

Thank you, Bogdan!

I have taught in person over several years and am just now making the transition to online.

Your course was well-timed, and very helpful.

Since I didn’t know anything about you when I started out, I didn’t know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised! Great job!

The lessons were informative, and the pace of the lessons was good.

I am going to finish my action plan and put it into action!


Patty J. - USA

From the author: To make it easy for you to make a first step towards starting an online business (and changing your life!), I’m including a full no questions asked, no hoops to jump through, 30-day money-back guarantee.

Buy the course, go through the lessons, download the action items…

…and if you feel like the course isn’t helpful to you and doesn’t guide step-by-step in an intelligent way to create a business plan that’s clear and feels good and doable to you – then please send me an email and I’ll issue a refund as quickly as I read your email. I will not question you, ask for any proof that you did the assignments in the course (which you should do!). I’ll simply click the button on PayPal website and issue an instant refund to you… because if I can’t help you move forward with your idea of starting an online business, then I don’t want your money.

I can’t delete files from your computer that you download inside the course, and the cheat sheets you’ll get as integral part are much more valuable than the launch price of the course. I trust that you would not do that, and that you’ll take this opportunity seriously to digitalize your teaching, and accomplish new goals you seek out.

I’m simply confident that this course will help you, so I’m willing to take all the risk.

Signed by:

Bogdan Radović

What I expect from you?

I expect you to do the lessons, download and print out action sheets, and invest your best effort into doing the assignments properly.

#1 - complete the course.


As when you do it (and you can realistically complete the course in a few weeks or up to 6 weeks optimally if you go through a module a week btw you get lifetime access to it so no worries if things go adversely for you), you’ll be making that major first step towards your future.

I know that taking the first step is difficult, it always is for me whenever I do something new, and I tend to make all kinds of excuses for postponing it.

But I worked on this fear, or should I say roadblock for years, and I know that feeling when you launch and make the thing you wanted to do and worked so hard to create GOES LIVE – it’s the best feeling in the world.

It might feel impossible for you to run a digital business, but this is the first step.

Take it step-by-step and you’ll be surprised how far you can go.

#2 - Make a plan. STICK TO IT.


Work hard to achieve the goals you’ve set.

See how it goes, and where it takes you.

When I was uploading my first bass guitar lesson that I recorded in my bedroom in 2007. – I couldn’t even imagine where the push of the SEND button would take me.

And it didn’t take me anywhere I expected. 

It took me fishing for Carp on Ebro river. 

It took me learning how to code.

It enabled me to spend more time on creative tasks, play more tennis, and have more meaningful relationships.

It did change my life, one simple, rather at that time hasty decision.

I’m here to help you make a change, and I just want to be useful.

That’s why I do this online entrepreneurship thing.

I want the good things to happen to you as well.

Hopefully, this quick planner course will get you a tiny but possibly crucial step closer.

#3 - Send me your success story


In return, I would ask you to leave me a review about your experience taking the course and how it has helped you take action and move forward with your ideas for starting an online business.

Please don’t bother with any ‘marketing stuff’. I want to hear about your experience and what you liked (and didn’t like!) about the course, materials, and me as a teacher.

That way, you can help me make the course even better for future iterations (which you’ll have access to!) and reach more music teachers who are stuck in a similar situation and need motivation to move forward.

Here are answers to all the questions you might have about this course

What does lifetime access mean?

You’ll have access to the course as long as this website exists and is accessible via the Internet. I can guarantee it will be available for at least a year. In case things take a turn in another direction, I’ll organize a downloadable version for you.

I just hope that you won’t really need ‘lifetime access’ to it though, and that you’ll kick into action and complete the course ASAP so that you can move on to build your business.

What happens when I enroll?

You’ll get instant access to the course via the website and be emailed the login details. Please check your spam/promotions and other folders in your email client; the first emails you receive from the website will likely land there. Open the emails, mark them as important, and add the support@musicteachingbiz.com email address to your contacts list.

How is the payment made?

At this moment, payments are available via PayPal. You can pay directly with your credit card via PayPal, the most secure way to handle online payments. If you need another option, please email support@musicteachingbiz.com with your request.

Why is it only $19?

Two reasons:

#1 – This is a brand new course and a first launch, so you’ll be among the first to go through the course, and based on your feedback after you complete it – I might update things and make changes. Don’t worry. You’ll get the latest version.

#2 – Although I know that the materials in this course will help you make an intelligent plan for launching your online business and that the ideas and strategies I have personally tested are effective, I’m well aware that people checking out this page might feel skeptical. I’m hoping you’ll send me a testimonial I can use to get more sales once you complete the course and get the promised results (= a business plan wholly filled out!).

Anyway, after several teachers complete this course and create a solid plan for launching their business, I plan to increase the price.

Are you going to try to sell me something expensive afterwards?

No. At this moment, I don’t have any other paid offers available. But if I create another product in the future that I think would be helpful to you, I might contact you.

This course is self-paced and standalone.

It delivers on its promise: by the end of the course, you’ll have an actual plan to start your online music teaching business. That is if you go through the lessons and do all the action items as you should.

Do I get everything I need to start an online business in this course?

Keep in mind that this is a planning course. I don’t go into detail about how you will exactly do the things you plan to do.

This course is focused on WHAT, not HOW.

So, for example, you will not learn how to record lessons at home that look professional.

You will not learn how to build a website.

Even though I could teach you all that stuff, it’s simply not something that would fit this course.

There are the following steps and further education you’ll need to do after you make an intelligent plan using the Play, Click, Succeed course.

But after you create a plan with the help of the the Play, Click, Succeed online course, you’ll know exactly what to do next!

Realistically, You are likely at least 6-12 months away from launching your business.

But, if you go through this course right now and make a plan – you’ll be kicking off the countdown timer and positioning yourself one step closer to your goals.

Enroll in Play, Click Succeed Today!

Launch price: $47 JUST $19 USD!

🔥 Limited number of spots available at this price🔥

Includes lifetime access to the course materials.

Click here to buy the course for just $19 USD!

Secure payment is made through PayPal.

PayPal Acceptance Mark

Earnings Disclaimer

I believe in hard work, getting results for the students and other clients you serve, and helping you unlock new options for making online income. My programs are designed to help you pursue your passions. However, it’s important to understand that, by law in many countries, I cannot guarantee any specific results or income from offerings on this website.

You must consider all materials as made for entertainment purposes only.

Success in any venture requires a lot of effort and dedication. There are no shortcuts you can take that will lead you to any kind of guaranteed results. Your outcomes only depend on the energy and resources you invest. I provide valuable content and strategies to help you make progress, but nothing you learn here is a promise of future earnings.

The financial figures mentioned are only generalistic estimates or present my personal experience, not at all are any kind of guarantees of future earnings you could achieve. Testimonials reflect personal experiences, which may not be typical for everyone. In fact, most of the success stories are exceptions, not a rule. For full details, please refer to our terms of use and privacy policy. Your satisfaction is vital, and I’m excited to support your journey!

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